Tag Archives: Catholic Lane

On Folding Underwear, Running a Marathon and Prayer

My first published article on Catholic Lane has been posted today!

I fold my underwear. That is probably an overshare, so please forgive me. I also fold my socks, but I doubt that makes me unique, because folding socks makes sense, but underwear? What’s the point?!

I have often had that discussion in my head and with my wife (especially when we were first married and she was not a “fold the underwear” girl) and the truth is that the main reason I do it is because that’s the way I always did it. My mom grew up as the daughter of a WWII soldier who brought the practice home and it’s the way she always did it, so it became the way I always did it, too. But why?

It was just last week that I finally got my answer.

Read the rest on Catholic Lane and don’t forget to visit the the neighbors while you are there.

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Posted by on March 16, 2011 in Discipline, Prayer, Virtue


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